Jobs, Roots and Displacement

This week I heard about a family and two different single adults thinking of relocating to other parts of the United States.  Kay and I were talking about how some of these kinds of moves are in order that they can rejoin family relatives.  It seems that after some of the Burmese get a good job, and things are somewhat stabilized they begin to make longer term plans and their heart desire is to be close to their relatives.

The other factor seems to be the pressing need for jobs.  If the Burmese person does not have a job they will talk with refugees in other states and move to their locale for the sake of jobs.   This is practical but it also spotlights a people that can deal with displacement.   They were displaced from their villages, then they were relocated from their refugee sanctuaries to the United States.   They don’t have deep roots like a lot of Americans.  They can move on if necessary.

As a church community, this is a challenge, we develop friendships with these folks and want to see them grow in the Lord.   Perhaps our best attitude about seeing them leave is to pray that they might have a solid Christian witness and be ambassadors for Christ wherever they might move.

About johnmcmurphy

Jesus is first and foremost in my life. He is above all religions, principalities and powers. In everything He must increase and I must decrease. Into the hands of Jesus, God has placed life and death, truth and purity. strength and meaning. Only in a growing understanding of the triune God, and his son Jesus can I do, breathe, exist and serve. I have a Bachelor's degree in Bible from Vennard College, a Master's in Social Science from Azusa Pacific University and a Ph. D. from Ohio State in Family Relations and Human Development. I am an ordained pastor involved in cross-cultural ministry. I am currently employed at several colleges as an instructor. If you need to get in touch with me, just leave a comment, I screen all comments and so you can leave further contact information which I will erase before it is published. -John

Posted on November 17, 2008, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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